I was praying for the lost and unsaved souls worldwide, those who have not known Christ and those who have back-slide this morning, 17th August 2019. I was asking God to touch them and send his word to them through his labourers, and I heard in my spirit A LEPROUS HEART. It got me thinking all day about what a leprous heart is. Until today, I have never heard of a leprous heart. I thought about it all day and how to approach this exciting topic given to me by the Holy Spirit. I wanted to do a live video to discuss this topic, but I have stopped doing live videos for some time now ( I wonder why I just stopped, lol). Anyways, I changed my mind and decided to write about it instead. I hope it ministers to you as much as it ministered to me. By the way, welcome to my space, my open diary.
What is Leprosy?
The Easton's Bible dictionary defines Leprosy as (Heb. tsara'ath, a "smiting," a "stroke," because the disease was regarded as a direct providential infliction). This name is from the Greek lepra, by which the Greek physicians designated the disease from its scaliness. We have the description of the disease, as well as the regulations connected with it, in Leviticus 13; 14; Numbers 12:10-15.
Also, according to Google, Leprosy is a contagious disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves, causing discolouration and lumps on the skin and, in severe cases, disfigurement and deformities. Leprosy is now mainly confined to tropical Africa and Asia.
Some characteristics of leprosy disease are,
It has a long incubation period.
It is actually not easily contagious.
It attacks the nerve endings.
If we study the Bible, we will find that this disease was mentioned a lot, up to 40 times. Leviticus 13 and 14 with the disease and the laws ascribed to it.
How do we now connect these attributes of physical Leprosy to our spiritual lives? We must understand that Sin is a gradual process; it starts as a one-off thing that grows and eventually leads to total destruction and hell if not checked. It does not easily affect the people around you, but with constant communication and relationship, a sinful lifestyle begins to rub off on others. This is why the Bible in the book of 2 Corinthians 6:14 says we should not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership has righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?. Sin attacks every aspect of your life and deprives you of your inheritance in Christ. Leprosy touches and affects the body why Sin and its consequences go deeper into the heart and soul of our being. Leprosy keeps those afflicted with the disease separated from society, family and friends, so Sin keeps us separated from God. What, then, is Leprosy of the heart? This is when we pretend that we are born again and cleansed of all iniquity; deep down in our hearts, we know we are not. In fact, our hearts and souls are full of all sorts of evil and Sin and act contrary to God's word when we know the truth and refuse to acknowledge or believe them. This also applies to those who were once born again and those who are not in Christ. We forget that even when men see us as righteous and holy, God sees our hearts and knows who we are. Leprosy of the heart, if not dealt with, will begin to spread little by little until it defiles your whole body and makes you unfit to enter the presence of God. Leprosy is a horrible, wasting disease that has a terrible impact on people's lives and prevents them from living a blessed and fulfilled life in Christ. Based on Leviticus 13 and 14, we see how Leprosy affects lives in the following ways.
Irritating and repulsive: People find Leprous people irritating and repulsive. They stay as far away from them as possible, the same thing with Sin; it may be attractive to us because of the vain things we see all around us, but it is a repulsion to God.
Uncleanness: Leprous People are unclean to be around; if they can not be around people, they are not fit to come to the presence of God. In the book of Leviticus 13:3, if a person was found to have Leprosy, the priest was to pronounce him unclean.
Separation: People afflicted by Leprosy are separated from people in the hospitals; they are quarantined so they do not afflict other people. They were separated from the community for seven days in the Old Testament. When you suffer from Leprosy of the heart, it alienates you from God. Is.aiah 59:1-2 says, "Behold the Lord's hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. However, your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear."
Hard and unfeeling heart: People afflicted with Leprosy do not feel any pain; the same applies to people who live sinful lives. They feel nothing for the people they hurt and don't care how God sees and thinks about them. The sinful man has a heart of stone; the Bible tells us in Ezekiel 36 that when God saves a man, he takes out his heart of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh.
Beloved, the only way we can clean ourselves of this evil and cleanse our hearts of Leprosy is to forsake Sin and give our lives to Christ. He alone has the power to save and heal us of this affliction. Also, we must understand that there is a penalty for Sin. The Bible states in Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death".
We all know the story of Jesus and the ten lepers In Luke 17:11-19.
Jesus encounters ten lepers who cry out to him to clean them of their ailment. He heals all ten of them, but only one realizes the extent he has been cured and turns around to thank Jesus. Why do I relate this verse to this article, you ask? It's because these ten lepers understood the only way to be set free is by reaching out to the only one who has the power to heal them and set them free from this humiliating affliction, and his name is Jesus. Do you suffer from Leprosy of the heart? Do you want to give your life to Jesus? Do you want to rededicate your life to Christ? If yes, Just like the ten lepers who cried out to Jesus, left up to your voice and cry out to him right now.
In John 6: 37 Jesus said All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.
Beloved Jesus is waiting for you right now; please say this prayer.
Holy Father God, I know and realize that I am a sinner and have done some bad things in my life. I ask for forgive me of my sins. I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ died for me. I accept him as my Lord and saviour, and I invite you, Lord Jesus, please dwell in my heart today. Amen.
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